
Burnaby Locating immediately to the east of Vancouver and perhaps considered the central location of Greater Vancouver is the City of Burnaby, a playground for shoppers, travelers, and hikers. From the largest retail and entertainment complex in British Columbia (Metrotown) to stunning lakes, parks, and forest trails, there is something to do for everyone. Getting around the city is not a problem with convenient transportation services. Simon Fraser University, North America’s only mountain top university, is also located in the north of the city.  The 4 main areas to consider when buying a property in Burnaby are Brentwood, Lougheed, Metrotown and Edmonds. Condos in the city are typically high rise. 本拿比 本拿比西邻温哥华,东临满地宝、高贵林和新西敏,南溪菲沙河,北至布勒内湾,总面积98.6平方公里,位于大温地区心脏地带,地形起伏多姿,地势高度从海平面一直到海拔370米起伏变化,由小山丘、土坎、河谷及一个冲击平原组成,还包括了两大淡水湖:Burnaby Lake和Deer Lake;以及Burnaby
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North Vancouver

North Vancouver Sharing similarities with West Vancouver, North Vancouver benefit from plentiful premier scenic location such as Grouse Mountain, Lynn Canyon, and Capilano Suspension Bridge Park. The community is known for its active arts and cultural life. The residents occupying North Vancouver are primarily of middle class as the housing tend to be more affordable. 北温哥华 北温哥华对于大多数华人来说是神秘而陌生的。人们所熟知和印象中的北温不过是高耸的松鸡山(Grouse Mountain),吊桥公园等著名的旅游景点,由于华裔人口极少在此安家,华人社区对北温哥华的了解便知之甚少。事实上,北温哥华是一个很有活力的港口城市 北温哥华是由北温哥华市(City of North Vancouver)和北温哥华地区(District of North Vancouver)两大城市结构组成。北温哥华市是以温哥华市中心对面的Lonsdale周围的社区组成,是一个高度发达的城区,华裔人口占总人口的比例不足5%。 北温区三面环绕北温哥华市,西起Capilano River,东到Indian Arm,南临布勒内湾Burrard Inlet,北到Coast Mountains,总面积160.76平方公里。北温区绵延从东到西的山坡地带,道路陡峭、弯曲,没有正经八本的城市中心区,而以若干商业社区中心替代,包括Edgemont Village,Upper Lonsdale,Lynn Valley,Main Street,Parkgate和Deep
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Richmond To the south of Vancouver across the Fraser River is the City of Richmond, home to the Vancouver International Airport and a population consisting of more than 40% Chinese. Due to the makeup of the population, this area is suitable for Chinese immigrants as most facilities provide services that are catered to the Chinese.  Richmond offers a variety of housing types, from detached homes, townhomes, to condos. No. 3 Road, also known as downtown Richmond, is predominantly occupied by new condominiums due to the proximity to a plethora of shopping outlets, restaurants, and public transportation. Moreover, new development is expected in years to come. Other notable areas are Terra Nova, Quilchena, Steveston, Broadmoor, and Seafair. 列治文 列治文地处冲击平原,部分土地由填海而成,地形一马平川,海平面较低,只有1米 列治文是大温华裔人口最多的城市,有小香港之称,是北美唯一真正意义的唐人城,不完全统计超过40%。 列治文独立屋以地大、方正为特制,闹市区建有许多公寓、联排别墅。由于购物、交通、上学、语言交流方便,往往是华人移民落脚的第一站。列治文夜市温哥华机场所在地 列治文一共设有15个主要社区,其中比较有名的有Broadmoor,Seafair,Terra nova,Quilchena等 Condo House Duplex Townhouse
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Vancouver East

Vancouver East Ontario Street and Boundary Road mark the perimeter of Vancouver East, an area that is well known for its multi-cultural population. Properties in this area are more affordable than those in the west with Killarney and Renfrew Heights recognized as being the two best neighbourhoods to live in. 温东 温东、温西的分界是纵贯南北的 Cambie 街,也有以Oak街分割的说法。总之,从这里往东延伸至与本拿比交界的 Boundary Road,南北则从 Burrard Inlet 至 Fraser River,这样一大片土地就是今日的温东。它包含了无数风格各异的多元文化小区,如小意大利、小印度、小汉城及来自中、港、台三地的中国人(没有什么地方比温东更能融合两岸三地加国情了)。 温东最有名的地区莫过于 Grandview-Wookland 社区的 Commercial Drive 区,这里既是音乐家和艺人的乐园,也是多种民族风味餐馆和食品店的总汇,另类的服装店与种种奇奇怪怪的小酒馆、咖啡店以及随处可见的街头涂鸦将本区的平民文化喧染得生动热烈。 温东房价历来较温西便宜,其中以 Killarney 与 Renfrew Heights 两个社区最受买家青睐,因其地利交通之便远胜其他地区。选择本区置业,需要综合考虑房价与社区环境、治安状况、教育水准及宗教文化等诸多因素 Condo House Duplex Townhouse
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Vancouver West

Vancouver West Beginning from Ontario Street and located between False Creek and Fraser River, Vancouver West is for individuals who seek a lifestyle of peace and quiet. The region is home to one of the best beaches the city has to offer – Jericho Beach, Kitsilano Beach, and Spanish Banks Beach. Situated between Downtown Vancouver and Vancouver West is Granville Island, a hub of art and culture with an injection of an urban twist drawing millions of visitors each year. All the way to the west is University of British Columbia (UBC) which consistently ranks among the top 20 public universities around the world. There are also numerous well-known public and private schools. Vancouver West is primarily consisted of upscale living with luxury detached homes throughout. Although the lot sizes are smaller compared to West Vancouver, the location is relatively more convenient. 温西 位于温哥华市西端,以Ontario街为界。温西区南接菲沙河Fraser River,东邻温哥华东区Vancouver Eastside,北至格兰维尔岛及福溪区(Granville Island/False Creek Area),西起佐治亚海峡。居民多为医生、律师、大学教授等 这里人文环境在整个大温应属一流,不仅有加国著名的 UBC
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West Vancouver

West Vancouver Surrounded by breathtaking views of the mountains and ocean, West Vancouver delivers everything the West Coast and the province has to offer while still being quite accessible by any modes of transportation. Popular attractions include Ambleside Park and Cypress Falls. Downtown Vancouver is connected to West Vancouver by the Lion’s Gate Bridge and is only minutes away.  The district is known for luxurious detached homes on enormous lots with high quality amenities around the area. The neighbourhood also offers a safe and private environment. 西温 西温拥有独特的地理位置和无以伦比的自然环境。是一个坐北朝南的城市,特别是建在山上的独立屋有着180度的无敌海景。狮门桥( Lion’s gate bridge)将西温与温哥华downtown连接起来,使出行到温哥华机场变得通畅。 西温的居民平均收入较高且拥有良好的教育程度,市内极低的犯罪率和完善的中小学设施,2011年开业的大统华超市使区内的华人生活更加便利,是各界名流和成功人士首选的居住地,也是传统的豪宅区。 Condo House Duplex Townhouse
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