Vancouver East

Vancouver East Ontario Street and Boundary Road mark the perimeter of Vancouver East, an area that is well known for its multi-cultural population. Properties in this area are more affordable than those in the west with Killarney and Renfrew Heights recognized as being the two best

Vancouver East

Ontario Street and Boundary Road mark the perimeter of Vancouver East, an area that is well known for its multi-cultural population. Properties in this area are more affordable than those in the west with Killarney and Renfrew Heights recognized as being the two best neighbourhoods to live in.


温东、温西的分界是纵贯南北的 Cambie 街,也有以Oak街分割的说法。总之,从这里往东延伸至与本拿比交界的 Boundary Road,南北则从 Burrard Inlet 至 Fraser River,这样一大片土地就是今日的温东。它包含了无数风格各异的多元文化小区,如小意大利、小印度、小汉城及来自中、港、台三地的中国人(没有什么地方比温东更能融合两岸三地加国情了)。

温东最有名的地区莫过于 Grandview-Wookland 社区的 Commercial Drive 区,这里既是音乐家和艺人的乐园,也是多种民族风味餐馆和食品店的总汇,另类的服装店与种种奇奇怪怪的小酒馆、咖啡店以及随处可见的街头涂鸦将本区的平民文化喧染得生动热烈。

温东房价历来较温西便宜,其中以 Killarney 与 Renfrew Heights 两个社区最受买家青睐,因其地利交通之便远胜其他地区。选择本区置业,需要综合考虑房价与社区环境、治安状况、教育水准及宗教文化等诸多因素

Vancouver East Listings