North Vancouver

North Vancouver Sharing similarities with West Vancouver, North Vancouver benefit from plentiful premier scenic location such as Grouse Mountain, Lynn Canyon, and Capilano Suspension Bridge Park. The community is known for its active arts and cultural life. The residents occupying

North Vancouver

Sharing similarities with West Vancouver, North Vancouver benefit from plentiful premier scenic location such as Grouse Mountain, Lynn Canyon, and Capilano Suspension Bridge Park. The community is known for its active arts and cultural life.

The residents occupying North Vancouver are primarily of middle class as the housing tend to be more affordable.


北温哥华对于大多数华人来说是神秘而陌生的。人们所熟知和印象中的北温不过是高耸的松鸡山(Grouse Mountain),吊桥公园等著名的旅游景点,由于华裔人口极少在此安家,华人社区对北温哥华的了解便知之甚少。事实上,北温哥华是一个很有活力的港口城市

北温哥华是由北温哥华市(City of North Vancouver)和北温哥华地区(District of North Vancouver)两大城市结构组成。北温哥华市是以温哥华市中心对面的Lonsdale周围的社区组成,是一个高度发达的城区,华裔人口占总人口的比例不足5%。

北温区三面环绕北温哥华市,西起Capilano River,东到Indian Arm,南临布勒内湾Burrard Inlet,北到Coast Mountains,总面积160.76平方公里。北温区绵延从东到西的山坡地带,道路陡峭、弯曲,没有正经八本的城市中心区,而以若干商业社区中心替代,包括Edgemont Village,Upper Lonsdale,Lynn Valley,Main Street,Parkgate和Deep Cove等。由于在海湾深处,北温景色虽然没有西温开阔,但也形成了靠山面海,坐北朝南之势,景色也非常好。房屋的可负担性,吸引了一般中产阶级居住。

North Vancouver Listings