Locating immediately to the east of Vancouver and perhaps considered the central location of Greater Vancouver is the City of Burnaby, a playground for shoppers, travelers, and hikers. From the largest retail and entertainment complex in British Columbia (Metrotown) to stunning lakes, parks, and forest trails, there is something to do for everyone. Getting around the city is not a problem with convenient transportation services. Simon Fraser University, North America’s only mountain top university, is also located in the north of the city.
The 4 main areas to consider when buying a property in Burnaby are Brentwood, Lougheed, Metrotown and Edmonds. Condos in the city are typically high rise.
本拿比西邻温哥华,东临满地宝、高贵林和新西敏,南溪菲沙河,北至布勒内湾,总面积98.6平方公里,位于大温地区心脏地带,地形起伏多姿,地势高度从海平面一直到海拔370米起伏变化,由小山丘、土坎、河谷及一个冲击平原组成,还包括了两大淡水湖:Burnaby Lake和Deer Lake;以及Burnaby Mountain。著名的西门菲莎大学(SFU)亦在此城市