Vancouver West

Vancouver West Beginning from Ontario Street and located between False Creek and Fraser River, Vancouver West is for individuals who seek a lifestyle of peace and quiet. The region is home to one of the best beaches the city has to offer – Jericho Beach, Kitsilano Beach, and Spanish

Vancouver West

Beginning from Ontario Street and located between False Creek and Fraser River, Vancouver West is for individuals who seek a lifestyle of peace and quiet. The region is home to one of the best beaches the city has to offer – Jericho Beach, Kitsilano Beach, and Spanish Banks Beach. Situated between Downtown Vancouver and Vancouver West is Granville Island, a hub of art and culture with an injection of an urban twist drawing millions of visitors each year. All the way to the west is University of British Columbia (UBC) which consistently ranks among the top 20 public universities around the world. There are also numerous well-known public and private schools.

Vancouver West is primarily consisted of upscale living with luxury detached homes throughout. Although the lot sizes are smaller compared to West Vancouver, the location is relatively more convenient.


位于温哥华市西端,以Ontario街为界。温西区南接菲沙河Fraser River,东邻温哥华东区Vancouver Eastside,北至格兰维尔岛及福溪区(Granville Island/False Creek Area),西起佐治亚海峡。居民多为医生、律师、大学教授等

这里人文环境在整个大温应属一流,不仅有加国著名的 UBC 大学,而且有十数所一流的公立、私立中小学,吸引了众多望子成龙的中国家庭,使这里的中国移民日益增多。每年菲莎学会的中学排名榜上前十名基本都在温西。如果为子女教育,这里当属置业首选。也因为如此,这里房价连年上涨,如果在这样的区置业,起码应考虑百万以上的独立房才会基本象样。公寓、Townhouse 也价格不菲,在其它地方可以买一套独立房的钱,在这里只能买个小公寓。


温西有着西温、北温无可比拟的最大优点是交通、生活、工作都极为方便,四通八达,去大温任何一个地方,比如到 Downtown、机场、及新、老唐人街都不太远。无疑是中产以上人家最理想的家居乐园。这里由于房价高,租价也相应很高,长期下来,租房就不如买房了,因为此地开发余地已很小,拥有这里一块土地所有权还是很值得的

Vancouver West Listings